Saturday, September 10, 2011

What is Ecumenism?What is the need for Ecumenism?

Ecumenism refers to initiatives aimed at Christian unity. Christian unity was Christ's
dearest desire. He expressed it in his last testament as he walked towards his tragic
destiny:the Cross. He prayed in his priestly prayer "that they may all be one;even as
you,Father,are in me,and I in you,that they also may be in us,so that the world may
believe that you have sent me" Divisions in the Church openly contradicts the will of
Christ,scandalizes the world, and damages the holy cause of preaching the Gospel
to every creature. Everywhere large numbers have left the impulse of this grace for
the restoration of unity among all Christians. Every year a Week of Prayer for
Christian Unity is observed in churches all over the world. It commences on 18 January
-the Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter and concludes on 25 January- the Feast of
the Conversion of Saint Paul.A different theme for this week is chosen every year.


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