Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mind Your Attitude

     Very often anger,fear,mistrust,disrespect,selfishness,pride and siblings rivalry are the root causes of disharmony and disunity in the home. The cultivation of good and healthy attitudes is the responsibility of every
member of the family:"Husbands,love your wives"(Eph 5:25). "Wives, respect your husbands"(Eph 5:25)."Children,obey your parents"(Cpl 3:20)."Parents, do not drive your children to resentment"(Col 3"21) "Be kind and compassionate to one another,forgiving each other" (Eph 4:32). Good attitudes create the right atmosphere in the family. They also bring about the proper moral,emotional and social development of persons for their own adjustment and well-being in society and help them live more upright Christian lives. Parents, first,must set a good example to their children ! They are obliged to teach their children manners and to cultivate in them good values/habits and proper attitudes. St.Thomas More said: "Children should have honorable people for parents,since in this way, a seedbed of good nature and virtue is fostered in these children from the time they are born." Every Christian should pray for the blessing of the Holy Spirit who with his fruits of Charity.   Joy,Peace,Patience,Kindness,Goodness,Longanimity(Forbearance),Mildness,Faith,Modesty,Continency and Chastity,makes one holy and perfect.

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