Sunday, April 22, 2012


Introduction: Biblical prayer could be described as a personal encounter between God and the humans  resulting in the phase of a complete and intimate communion. Just as in the human relationship, in the divino-human encounter too there is a place for petition, entreaty, expostulation ,confession, thanksgiving , recollection, praise,adoration,meditation etc.leading to communion. All these elements could be reduced to four basic features- recognition, recall, praise, petition - which are true both in human relationship and in divino-human relationship (prayer). Biblical prayers comprise basically of these four elements. Some may have one or two or all of these four elements and also in different propositions. Since our relationship with God (Mt :21-26),biblical prayer has a horizontal and also a vertical dimension. Both these are so intertwined that when one suffers,the other too does  suffer.

The Old Testament

What is the Christian meaning of death?

The Christian who dies  in Christ Jesus is "away from the body and at home with the Lord" ( 2 Cor 5:8). This is the Christian meaning of death. [ See CCC 1681 ]

Monday, February 27, 2012

What are the various titles of the Holy Father?

The various title of the Holy father are:
 -His Holiness the Pope
-Bishop of Rome and vicar of Jesus Christ
-Successor of St.Peter, Prince of the Apostles
-Roman Pontiff
-Supreme Pontiff of The Universal Church;
-Universal Shepherd of the Church;
-Patriarch of The West;
-Primate of Italy;
-Archbishop and  Metropolitan of The Roman Province;
-Sovereign of Vatican City State;
-Servants of the Servants of God.

What is the correct way of addressing the clergy?

'The Pope is addressed verbally as "His Holiness" " Your Holiness" or "Dear Holy Father". Address letters to" His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI" and start with Holy Father".

Cardinals are address verbally as " First Name 'Cardinal' Last Name" or Your Eminence" without name. Address letters to "His Eminence, Fist Name 'Cardinal' Last name".

An Archbishop is addressed verbally as " Archbishop First Name or Last Name" or more formally as your "Grace".

Bishops are addressed verbally as " Bishop First Name or Last Name" or more formally as "Your Excellency" or Your Lordship" without name. Address letters to "The Most Reverend Full Name".

Priests are addressed verbally as "Father First Name or Last Name" or as "Reverend Father". In writing a letter, start with "Dear Father".

Deacons are addressed verbally as "Deacon First Name or Last Name".

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why don't we see many miracles today?

Everyday God performs many miracles, but almost all of them remain as the personal encounter of the people experiencing these miracles. Every time a husband and a wife or other people reconcile their differences, it is a miracle of God. I know of families where husband and wife have already decided to see a lawyer for a civil divorce, but God intervened in their lives and they reconciled. God works in the heart of the person and there he performs many miracles continuously.