Sunday, April 22, 2012

What is the Christian meaning of death?

The Christian who dies  in Christ Jesus is "away from the body and at home with the Lord" ( 2 Cor 5:8). This is the Christian meaning of death. [ See CCC 1681 ]

Monday, February 27, 2012

What are the various titles of the Holy Father?

The various title of the Holy father are:
 -His Holiness the Pope
-Bishop of Rome and vicar of Jesus Christ
-Successor of St.Peter, Prince of the Apostles
-Roman Pontiff
-Supreme Pontiff of The Universal Church;
-Universal Shepherd of the Church;
-Patriarch of The West;
-Primate of Italy;
-Archbishop and  Metropolitan of The Roman Province;
-Sovereign of Vatican City State;
-Servants of the Servants of God.

What is the correct way of addressing the clergy?

'The Pope is addressed verbally as "His Holiness" " Your Holiness" or "Dear Holy Father". Address letters to" His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI" and start with Holy Father".

Cardinals are address verbally as " First Name 'Cardinal' Last Name" or Your Eminence" without name. Address letters to "His Eminence, Fist Name 'Cardinal' Last name".

An Archbishop is addressed verbally as " Archbishop First Name or Last Name" or more formally as your "Grace".

Bishops are addressed verbally as " Bishop First Name or Last Name" or more formally as "Your Excellency" or Your Lordship" without name. Address letters to "The Most Reverend Full Name".

Priests are addressed verbally as "Father First Name or Last Name" or as "Reverend Father". In writing a letter, start with "Dear Father".

Deacons are addressed verbally as "Deacon First Name or Last Name".

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why don't we see many miracles today?

Everyday God performs many miracles, but almost all of them remain as the personal encounter of the people experiencing these miracles. Every time a husband and a wife or other people reconcile their differences, it is a miracle of God. I know of families where husband and wife have already decided to see a lawyer for a civil divorce, but God intervened in their lives and they reconciled. God works in the heart of the person and there he performs many miracles continuously.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why did Jesus call his mother "Woman" and not "Mother"?

Some people often misunderstand or narrowly interpret this word to mean
disrespect or just Jesus himself did not give importance to Mary's motherhood.
Both these interpretations are incorrect.

The word "Woman" appears in crucial places in the Scriptures:In Genesis, Eve is
called "Woman" by Adam (Genesis 2:23); In Genesis 3:15, it says, "I will put enmity
between you and the woman, between her seed and your seed; in John's gospel,
Mary is called "Woman" by the "new Adam" (Jesus) at the wedding at Cana (John
2:4); At the foot of the cross, Jesus says "Woman,behold your son " (John 19:26);and
in Revelation 12:1,the "Woman" clothed with sun who will fight the dragon is
seen as Church,as well as a fulfillment of the new Eve.

By calling her "Woman" Jesus associates his Mother with his mission on earth; no
longer is she merely the one who gave him birth, but the Woman who, through her
own obedience to the Father's plan, can co-operate in the mystery of Redemption.
Thus, Jesus is identifying Mary as the Woman who will bear the Seed (Messiah) who
will destroy the power of the enemy.This word "Woman" so charged with meaning,
Mary attains a new dimension of her co-operation in salvation as the new Woman,
the second Eve.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

What do the letters "I N R I" on Jesus'cross mean?

The letters "INRI" are initials for Latin title that Pontius Pilate had written over the
head of Jesus Christ on the cross (John 19:19).Latin was the official language of
the Roman Empire.The words were  "Iesvs Nazarennvs Rex Ivdaeorvm.)"Latin uses"I"
instead of the English "J" and "V" instead of "U" (i.e., Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum).
It read:Jesus the Nazarean,the King of Jews,as it was the custom to place  sign stating
the offense on the cross in Latin,Greek,and Hebrew.The Early Church adopted the first
letters of each word of  inscription "INRI" as a symbol. Throughout the centuries INRI
has appeared in many paintings of the crucifixion.

Why do we give so much importance to St.paul (a self-appointed Apostle)and his letters?

St Paul did not appoint himself as an apostle but Jesus Christ appointed him.
Originally there were twelve Apostles chosen during Christ's lifetime;but
apostleship was extended later.St Paul was the most famous addition called by
Christ,like the Twelve,to be an ambassador for Christ(2 Cor.5:20).Paul wrote
to the Galatians:"From Paul,an apostle appointed not by human beings nor through
any human being but by Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised him from the
dead" (Gal 1:1).St.Paul's letters are exemplary not only for their style but also for the
variety and importance of their doctrinal teaching.