Tuesday, October 11, 2022

What is the (need for) importance of prayer?

 Prayer is LOVE in words, the expression of our love and trust in God, to speak with God and to listen to him. Usually, we pray when we cannot do anymore... but prayer must be the breathing of our spiritual life, the ; the putting og God first in our lives, the continous aspirations of the heart of our soul and the most important and easiest way to be with him, to listen to him, to let him guide us and take over our lives...

Prayer is also the means for obtaining of the gifts of the gifts of God necessary for our sanctification and salvation. the goods which direct us to eternal life are of two kinds spiritual goods, which lead us to it directly; and temporal goods, which can be indirectly useful to salvation. Spiritual goods are habitual and actual grace , the virtues, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, and merits, the fruits of the virtues and of the gifts. Temporal goods are our daily bread, health, strenght, and the success of our enterprises. Prayer can obtain everything, on condition that over and above all else we ask God for greater love of him. " Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God and his justice, and all thse things shall be added unto you".(Mt 6:33).We are so poor that we lack everything; but if we pray we are no longer poor, for God is "rich unto all who call upon him." (Rom 10:12). At the same time, "He who has God, lacks nothing, only God is enough" said St. Teresa of Avila.

St. Alfhonsus Liguori said, "Whoever prays is certainly saved. He who does not is certainly damed. All the blesse4d (except infants) have been saved by prayer. All the damned have been lost through not praying. If theyhad prayed they would not have been lost. And this is, and will be their torment in hell: to think how easily they might have been saved, just by asking God  for his grace, but that now it is too late- their time of prayer is gone". Thus, the sinner may, by prayer, obtain the grace of conversation. By prayer, the justman obtains graces such as final perseverance and the efficacious graces which lead to it.