Monday, March 29, 2021

Why do we need to pray for redemption when Jesus Christ died for our sins and redeemed us all!

 Jesus died for our sins and did redeem us all (see Mathew 26). He brought us salvation, "being the first to love us" and waiting for any good works of ours (see Titus 3:5).But this was / is the initial salvation: Yet, since human beings are free, they are the ones who can accept or reject this salvation. The road of salvation is, the faith in Christ , keeping the commandments and other good work summarized in love for God and for the neighbor.

Rejecting with faith and/or good works is actually refusing salvation and redemption. And since we are weak, we pray that we always accept Redemption and act accordingly, and ask constantly for the forgiveness of our sins and atone for them . Rightly St. Augustine wrote: "God who created us without our consent cannot save us without our consent". It depends on our free will. It would have been disastrous if - as some denominations claim- we are allowed to commit all sorts of sins, not avoiding evil and not regretting  any transgression, under the pretext that "Christ redeemed us". NO! Jesus wants to redeem us constantly from our selfishness and evil. He never approves sin and does not want to justify or to strengthen it!

To save ones soul without prayer is most difficult; without prayer it is impossible to resist temptations, to practice virtues and to keep the commandments. We must ask for graces necessary for salvation. Prayer teaches us to judge of things in a holy manner, to look at them in the light of truth, which dissipates their false splendor and their spurious charms.

Many times we assure our prayers to friends who don't belong to our religion (like Hindus and Muslims), and when we do pray for them will our prayer be answered (since they don't belong to our religion)?

God is Father of all. Every person is created in the image of God. He sends his love and His Spirit to every one It is good and correct to pray for everyone.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Where does prayer come from?

 Whether prayer is expressed in words of gestures, it is the whole man who prays, But in naming the sourece of prayer, Scriptures speaks sometimes of the soul or the spirit, but most often of the heart ( more than a thousand times). According to Scripture, it is the heart that prays. If our heart is far from God, the words of our prayers are in vain. As God gradually reveals himself and reveals man to himself, prayers appears as a reciprocal call, a covenant drama. Through words and actions, this "drama" engages the heart. [ See CCC 2562, 2567 ]