Wednesday, June 19, 2013

What is a "Holy Hour"?

The holy Hour is an hour (roughly sixty minutes) spent in front of the Blessed Sacrament - as we firmly believe in the real presence of the Lord there. The Holy Hour is the literal answer and positive response to the question of the suffering Jesus at the "Garden of Olives" (Gethsemane), a question addressed to St. Peter. "Aren't you capable of watching (staying awake) with Me for One Hour?" So the Church, fostered this devotion to Christ Present in the Blessed Sacrament, especially on Thursday evenings (to remember the Holy Thursday) and on the Holy Week Thursday. The Franciscan Fathers at Gethsemane celebrate the "Holy Hour" every Thursday evening with prayers, hymns, remaining awake with the suffering Jesus. (see also Hebrews 5:7)